JumpStart Matrix knows the importance of monthly Site Maintenance (especially in these times of increased worldwide Hacking)

JSM has 3 different Plans:
Read about the StartUp, Business and Enterprise Plans, encompassing different levels of monthly website maintenance depending on your business and needs.

Monthly Site Maintenance Plans Features

Full Website Backup
(Included in the Start Up, Business and Enterprise Plans)
No need to worry, we’ve got you covered!

JumpStart Matrix will provide you:

  •         Automatic daily backup of web files, databases and emails.
  •         Protection against threats from hackers and cybercriminals
  •         Simple recovery and restoration of your data from previous versions
  •         Protection against database corruption
  •         A simple ‘self-healing’ function 
  •         Secure data storage in separate facilities away from your local files and servers

 No idea about Site Maintenance? Book a Free call today!

Deep Performance Scan
(Included in the Start Up, Business and Enterprise Plans)

Our experts carry out a diligent performance scan to measure the responsiveness, scalability and ‘throughput’ of your website
(Throughput is the measurement of how much data is exchanged between the user and the server, over a given period.)
This particular scan is beneficial in improving the user experience (UX) and increasing revenue generation.
We conduct the performance scan by simulating real-world loads and ‘spikes’
This helps us understand the responsiveness of your website to sudden traffic spikes (or under normal conditions / as a baseline) as you move to higher production.
The main purpose of this scan is to ensure you get the right results and the confidence that your website is functioning well at all times, especially during peak hours.

Basic Site Optimisation
(Included in the Start Up, Business and Enterprise Plans)

Website optimisation involves processes with tools, strategies and different experiments designed to improve the performance of your website which will grow and drive more traffic, the main goal is to increase conversions and so sales and revenue with a more effective site
Website optimisation determines how effective and valuable your website is to Google and your Visitors or potential customers.

Here is what JumpStart Matrix offers as a part of our site optimisation in our monthly plans:

  1. Full review of your website’s analytics to identify problematic areas such as webpages with high Bounce or Exit rates.
  2. Listing problems on the basis of priority and fixing them step by step.

Basic Image Compression
(Included in the Start Up, Business and Enterprise Plans)

The process of site optimisation also includes compressing images.
Images can occupy a lot of space, which can cause the website to operate slowly. Page Load time is important to Google and your Visitors
We choose the right image file format, image compression rate and dimensions to reduce the image size by up to 80%, to optimise images specifically for your website/theme.

  1. We use JPEGs for images with lots of colors, PNGs for simple images and GIFs for animated images.
  2. In basic image compression, we use web tools like TinyPNG or JPEG Mini for quick and easy image compression.
  3. For advanced image compression, use reputable and reliable image editing tools such as Adobe Photoshop, GIMP, On1 Photo and Affinity Photo to compress the images. Besides these image editing tools, we also have access to top WordPress plugins, such as Optimole, EWWW Image Optimizer and more for automatic compression of images.
  4. We also change the image dimensions to something more reasonable that looks good and doesn’t affect your website’s performance.

**Basic Database Optimisation

Our team uses sophisticated ‘data quality’ tools to access, clean and organize data to enhance the speed and overall condition of the database to allow easy extraction and analysis of data, which then can be put to use seamlessly 

Advanced database optimisation processes include:

  1. Evaluation of database status including limitations, risks and laying foundation for other optimisations.
  2. Diagnosing and troubleshooting database problems.
  3. Optimising database architecture, which includes improving stability and security of the database.
  4. Ensuring high-quality database PaaS (Platform as a Service).
  5. Designing and assisting in database distributed transformation.**Only available in Business & Enterprise Plans

Plugin Audit & Optimisation
(Included in the Start Up, Business and Enterprise Plans)

  1. This includes making a complete backup of your website
  2. We will also copy the current plugin list into a separate document for your records
  3. Identifying and using everything that should remain on the website to ensure its smooth functionality. We will also delete all plugins that are inactive or no longer supported to improve security.

SSL Setup & Unsecure Content Fix
(Included in the Start Up, Business and Enterprise Plans)

We’ll install and configure an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate on your website and troubleshoot any unsecure or broken assets.
We know how painful it is to deal with the issue of unsecure content, especially just after installing an SSL certificate on the website
Our team knows how to identify and fix any problem to allow the SSL certificate to function properly .

Local Caching
(Included in the Start Up, Business and Enterprise Plans)

Local caching is a process of speeding up the network access to data files.
This involves caching data on the client side instead of on the server side when possible.
This technique is performed to allow multiple ‘write’ operations on the same area of the file to be combined into a single write operation all over the entire network.

*CDN & Caching Setup

We will set up a lightning fast CDN (Content Delivery Network) for DNS (Domain Name Servers)  and implement multiple levels of caching.
The CDN allows your website to distribute the load to multiple servers, rather than having all the traffic sent to the main server, making it less susceptible to crashes.

*Only available in Enterprise Plan 

* *Web testing and QA

If your website is not working properly, then it could be due to broken links, web security, difficult or poor navigation and several other potential risks or ‘friction’
Our team carries out diligent testing of the website to reduce the risks and ensure web quality.
We detect all underlying problems, from security breaches, to functional discrepancies and integration related issues to traffic congestion and more. At the end of our tests and QA process, your website will be working at optimal levels.

**Only available in Business & Enterprise Plans

*Woo Commerce Optimisation

There’s no denying that sloppy Woo Commerce stores can quickly ‘burn a hole in your pocket’ in the form of a rise in cart abandonment, downward-pointing business metrics and a conspicuous dip in customer loyalty!
It will also affect your brand image in a negative way, thus resulting in fewer visitors and even SERP (Search Engine Results Pages) visibility.
Customers don’t like to wait, so don’t make them!
Optimise your Woo Commerce store with the help of our experts, who are fully trained to fix all the common problems found on Woo Commerce websites, using tried and tested techniques.

*Only available in Enterprise Plan  

Web Host Migration

Migrating a website can be a daunting task, as a large amount of work goes into the migration process.
There is also a risk of the website’s SEO and data being impacted during or after the migration.
Our experienced team of developers focus on migrating websites without impacting their SEO, so your website moves to a new domain but without losing its organic visibility and rankings on the Search engines like Google.

We provide a comprehensive site migration service that include:

  •         Migration of website to new web hosting
  •         SEO migrations
  •         Migration of Google Analytics & Google Tag Manager
  •         Domain name migrations

 *Deep Security Scan

We will conduct a deep security scan of your website to determine any malware, viruses or DDOS (Dedicated Denial of Service) attacks that could jeopardize the functioning of your website
For websites using the WordPress platform, we will add a Plugin named ‘WordFence’ for regular (every 24 hours) scanning of your website.
We use the premium (paid) version of the WordFence plugin that efficiently scans all your website’s core files, plugins, themes and upload folders for suspicious codes and changes.
Our team will install this plugin on your website and configure the necessary settings to ensure that you get the maximum benefits from it.

*Only available in Enterprise Plan

 *Hardcore Security Hardening

WordFence is accompanied by a website application firewall based on PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor is a widely-used, open source scripting language)
It provides a double-layered protection, where the first is a basic layer consisting of the WordFence firewall to run as a WordPress plugin.
This firewall will protect your website from all sorts of threats that trigger before the loading of WordPress themes and plugins

The second layer is called ‘Extended Protection’ and it allows the  WordFence plugin to run before the WordPress core, themes and plugins, offering a far better protection against more advanced security threats.

In the Premium version of the WordFence plugin, you can;

  1. Monitor and block suspicious activity
  2. Enable whois-lookup to check the suspicious IP addresses and diagnostic information to initiate debug issues with the plugin or your website.
  3. Setup 2-factor login to consolidate the login security of your website.

Our team will help you set up this plugin and configure all the features necessary to safeguard your website from hackers and other online threats.

*Only available in Enterprise Plan

*Advanced Site Optimisation
Advanced Website Optimisation involves processes with tools, strategies and different experiments designed to improve the performance of your website which will grow and drive more traffic-  the main goal is to increase conversions and so sales and revenue.

*Only available in Enterprise Plan

*Advanced Image Compression

The key to successful image optimisation for web performance is to find the perfect balance between lowest file size and acceptable image quality.
The three things that play a huge role in image optimisation are:

  • Image file format (JPEG vs PNG vs GIF vs WebP)
  • Compression (Higher compression = smaller file size)
  • Image Dimensions (height and width)

By choosing the right combination of the three, we will reduce your image size by up to 80%.

*Only available in Enterprise Plan

Note: The Start Up /Basic Plan does NOT include Testing of functionality after updates.
ALL functionality SHOULD be tested to ensure it is working after any update, so ask about upgrading to the Business or Enterprise Plan
OR for  the JSM Team to do the testing (billed separately)

Call us 02 5698 5445 or Contact us today to discuss your website’s security and maintenance needs!

Review our 3 plans here: Start Up, Business and Enterprise  which encompass different levels of monthly website maintenance, depending on your business.

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