Google Updates and Your Online Marketing

Google Updates and Your Online Marketing

I attended a Networking event for local businesswomen this week. I was asked by one of the group “As a Google Agency, does Google send you a list of all the changes & Updates they make?” The answer is No. (I wish!) How do you stay on top of Google...
Google- Yes or No on AI Generated Content?

Google- Yes or No on AI Generated Content?

Is it Ok to use AI (Artificial Intelligence) Tools to create your content? Several of my clients have asked me about AI tools like ChatGPT recently As my challenge (and theirs) is always getting more content actually created and published- and the temptation to just...
What is Google’s E-E-A-T? and how it affects SEO

What is Google’s E-E-A-T? and how it affects SEO

Google explains “Many creators are familiar with the concept of E-A-T, which is used in how we evaluate if our search ranking systems are providing helpful, relevant information. Would ordinary people feel the results they get demonstrate E-A-T, that is:...