JumpStart Matrix knows the importance of monthly Site Maintenance (especially in these times of increased worldwide Hacking)
JSM has 3 different Plans that encompass StartUp, Business and Enterprise level of monthly website maintenance

What is a Deep Security Scan of a website?

We will conduct a deep security scan of your website to determine IF there’s anything that could jeopardise the functioning of your website.
That includes evidence of malware, hacking, viruses DDOS (Distributed Denial of Service) and brute force attacks.

For websites using the WordPress platform, we will add a Plugin named ‘WordFence’ for regular (every 24 hours) scanning of your website.
Our team will install this plugin on your website and configure the necessary settings to ensure that you get the maximum benefits from it.
We use the Premium version of the WordFence plugin that gives you access to more advanced features such as country blocking, firewall rules updated in real time, scheduled scanning, etc.

WordFence will efficiently scans all your website’s core files, plugins, themes and upload folders for suspicious codes and changes in file size. It will also look inside the files to check for suspicious code, backdoors, malicious URLs, and known patterns of infections.

Typically these scans need a lot of server resources to run.
Wordfence does an excellent job of running the scans as efficiently as possible.
The time it takes to complete a scan will depend on how much data you have-  and the server resources available.

*Only available in our Enterprise Plan

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