What is a Deep Performance Scan and why do them?

When you purchase any of our 3 levels of monthly Site Maintenance Plans, our team carries out a diligent deep performance scan, to measure the responsiveness, scalability and ‘throughput’ of your website
(Throughput is the measurement of how much data is exchanged between the user and the server, over a given period.)

This particular scan is targeted to assist in improving your visitors user experience (UX) and increasing revenue generation.
We conduct the performance scan by simulating real-world traffic loads and ‘spikes’ using a range of tools and tests.
This helps us understand the responsiveness of your website to sudden traffic spikes (or under normal conditions / as a baseline) as you move to more sales, visitors/ traffic
The main purpose of this scan is to ensure you get the right results and the confidence that your website is functioning well at all times, especially during peak hours.

Before a deep performance test is done on any website, there are few considerations to keep in mind.
The purpose of the Website, eg if it involves payment gateways, web services
The reason for a performance test.
Find out what actually needs to be measured ie users, volume, response times etc
Understand the customer’s expectations.
Understand the availability of resources and QA tools.

A Checklist can be useful to note the Performance Analysis and Acceptance criteria
What is an acceptable Page Load Time?
What is an ‘acceptable’ time between transactions and user clicks?
What is the expected ‘average session duration’ of a user?
Do you have current baselines available to measure against?
What analytics tools are you using to identify high volumes?

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