What Are Full Website Backups And Why Do You Need Them?
In a nutshell, backing up means making backup copies of files, creating a backup database that can be restored if something happens to the “original data” on your site! What Are Full Website Backups And Why Do You Need Them? A digital presence is so critical to...
Recommended Plugin: WP Activity Log
Do you need an easy way to keep track of ALL activity on your WordPress site/ blogs? WP Activity Log plug-in- a real time user activity and monitoring log plugin. At JumpStart Matrix, we use WP Activity Log for our own website and our clients WordPress sites, With...
Recommended Plugin: Featured Image Admin Thumb for SEO on WordPress
We’ve all heard that using graphics in your posts and content is highly recommended, with the average human attention span now at just 8 seconds according to a recent Microsoft study. Whether it be infographics, videos, GIFS, screenshots and/or images, visual...
Your Practical Guide and Tips to Guest Blogging
Guest blogging, in a nutshell, is contributing a post to someone else’s blog/website. What is Guest Blogging or a Guest Post? It seems everyone has their own opinion on how effective a strategy guest posting actually may be… When it’s done well,...