Site Audit


Is your site ready to promote? Don’t guess.
JSM will deliver a Site Audit for up to 5 Pages starting at $550 +GST
(Ask us to Quote if you need more than 5 pages Audited)

SKU: sfureport Category:


A website Audit is a analysis and evaluation of a website’s performance, structure, design, content and overall optimisation.
JumpStart offer several types of Site Audit depending on your site and budget
What is involved in our different types of Site Audits?

Why does your site need a Site Audit?

Does YOUR website have the necessary content, functionality and easy to use navigation to make money for your business on the Search Engines like Google?
How do you know?
Find Out More – Book a Free call today!
A JSM Site Audit involves examining various aspects of the website to identify any issues, weaknesses and/or areas for improvement.
The purpose of a website audit is to gain insights into how well a website is functioning, identify potential problems that may hinder its performance and provide recommendations to enhance its overall effectiveness.
Click Add To Cart to purchase a Site Audit and let us troubleshoot your landing pages/website to identify problems.

Special Offer: JumpStart Matrix will provide a Site Audit  (up to 5 Pages) starting at $550 + GST.*

$550.00Add to cart

What are the 5 Pages we will review?
We will look at ONE of each of the different types of pages on your site
About-  Other dedicated page types like Services
Blog Category page
Blog Page
(Note: If you have many different Blog or Product pages, you do not need or want us to review them all)
See our Site Audit Plus OR Comprehensive Site Audit

JumpStart Matrix Site Audit Report issues partial overview image

JumpStart Matrix Site Audit Report issues partial overview

Simple things, for example:

  • Is there a ‘Call to Action’? (commonly referred to as a CTA)
  • Is the correct SEO technique used to display this Call to Action?
  • Is the Page ‘optimised’ for the Search Engines (and your visitors) to perform with the correct meta data?
  • Are you making the best use of your ‘Virtual Real Estate’?
  • What IS your ‘virtual Real Estate’?
  • Are your Images the right size and optimised?
  • There are many different components to any Site Audit. We need to discuss your site, goals and requirements

Get more results from your Site- Book a Free call today!
We can determine if your ‘Landing page(s) are ready for marketing and promotion online. Don’t waste your money until you know!
(*You can order as many pages as you need OR ask us to quote you if you have many on your Site.)
See our Site Audit Plus!
OR Comprehensive Site Audit

*If you want or need more than 5 Website Pages reviewed, please Contact Us to discuss our (cost effective) discounted block rates 

$550.00Add to cart

You should also get our Keyword Research Report  and/ or other in depth strategic online marketing consulting, to supplement this Site Audit

Note: Most completed Site Audit reports provide us the necessary data to start strategising for a Google Ads Campaign for your business, if not everything we need to test the first Campaign.


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