Sharing articles & thoughts we find that really share our point of view… or at least are attempting to! “Stop Copying Your Competitors: They Don’t Know What They’re Doing Either” by Peep Laja. The Point: Many will point out the issues with web...
SEO has really changed in the few years , after all Google’s Updates and changes to their algorithms, especially now with personalised search and more AI involvement! Don’t have time to do SEO yourself? No idea where to start? Get a Quote OR SEO Site...
How does a small agency like JumpStart Matrix stay on top of the latest trends.. and still deliver for clients? That right cohesive mix of online and offline marketing channels covered between client and agencies is an interesting one. We at JSM also try to act as...
What IS Responsive Website design? There is a LOT more talk about making your website ‘responsive’, especially after Google recently said it is optimising specifically for small screens like Mobile phones, iPads and Tablets But what does that really mean?...
Business ROI (Return on Investment) advertising online is much more data driven and measurable than ever before, when it is done with Google Ads (formerly Adwords) PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising Campaigns. Can you honestly say you DO know the value or cost of a new...
Ranking on the SERPS For years ‘old school’ SEO companies (Search Engine Optimisation) got away with things like ‘keyword stuffing’ in articles and very dodgy linking practices on their clients websites. There are many people that feel very...