These days, ranking for your site’s content on the Search Engines like Google is extremely tough.
Great Keyword Research is a must.
Also, you should be thinking of the best and most comprehensive ways to answer any query or issue your potential clients might have.
You need to be considered a resource for them.

Explain Google’s  E-E-A-T impacts?

Google wants to see you providing real, relevant information – and updating it!
It’s no longer enough to write 300 words, think that is sufficient and not update your content very regularly.

Google and the other Search Engines want ‘dynamic content’, lived experience … and more.. Google calls this E-E-A-T
i.e “Would ordinary people feel the results they get demonstrate E-A-T, that is: expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness?
Now to better assess our results, E-A-T is gaining an E: experience. Does content also demonstrate that it was produced with some degree of experience, such as with actual use of a product, having actually visited a place or communicating what a person experienced?”


  • Do you have a FAQ section?
  • Have you got information on your customers Top  5 or 10 problems and written a decent article with a solution on every one of them?
  • Do you have a PDF or eBook on those Top 5 problems they can download? Its proven effective in building a relationship with potential customers!

If you need help to get content written for your business niche, Book some consulting time with JumpStart to discuss your needs, call 02 5698 5445 or Contact Us

Maggie Holley is an Google Certified Online Marketing Consultant,Entrepreneur, former Sales Manager and Marketing Coach.