You have to start with the basics of all the steps that go BEFORE you can build a great site!

Just How DO you build a successful Website?

Branding and clarity of purpose drive successful websites, as the messaging and content is clear.
Then,  you work on the “Flow” navigation and functionality of your site -after choosing the right platform to build on. NOT graphics!
I wrote another post on “Top Resources for Entrepreneurs” that discusses the right platforms and gives some great free tools you can use on your journey.

We nearly always  recommend WordPress.
Read my post on the “Top 5 things to Do as an Entrepreneur”

Whilst doing this content and building your site , you better ensure you are doing your SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) correctly to current standards!

Read about how we have helped some of our clients do just that on our How Can we Help Page.

Book some (free!) consulting time with the experts at JumpStart Matrix and find out how prepared you really are! Or call us on 02 5698 5445

Do you know what it takes for a website to be successful in 2015 online?