WordPress Tooltips Plugin by Thomas Zhu

WordPress Tooltips is a simple & quick & light & powerful jQuery tooltips solution that help you to add tooltips( a mouseover pop up) in post title/post content/post excerpt/post tags/wordpress archive/wordpress menu items/gallery… and so on.
You can add text, image, link, video, radio, mp4 in tooltips… it can be used as a glossary too.

You can manage all keywords/content centrally in one admin panel easily and quickly.
Just input keywords in keyword field and video/text/image/link in the content field.

For next-gen users, tooltips will detect the  next-gen description and show it as a tooltip (mouseover pop up) when hovering your next-gen images
Tolltips plugin supports many other gallery/slideshow plugins.
You can manage options in Tooltips Global Settings panel.

Download the version that was available when we wrote this post here:wordpress-tooltips
For updates, support and to check if you have the latest version Click here.


Warning: We have found that this Plugin can cause issues on some sites….Which is a shame, as it is great functionality for getting more content on a Page!