Maggie Holley Bio

JumpStart Matrix are Strategic Marketing & Business Consultants that work with data!
We build or transform underperforming websites and promote businesses online with SEM ( Search Engine Marketing) across multiple channels, primarily with Google Ads ( formerly Adwords) and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

We have a small, exceptionally talented and experienced team and JumpStart has clients in Australasia, the USA and UK.
As a former Sales Manager, I really understand what businesses need to attract clients ….and how to deliver real world business results.
I’ve spent many years studying and being certified in many aspects of online marketing,  particularly with Google Ads and Analytics, Search Console.
I know first hand the challenges of running your own business and the demands on your time.

I also enjoy analysis of problems and finding the right solutions- for myself and my clients.Maggie Holley Online Marketing Consultant bio photo

I have been fortunate enough to live and work in many diverse industries, roles and countries.
This has given me rich insights into how people do business and an appreciation of many niche markets… I certainly had fun amidst the challenges!
I have a values and integrity based ethic and approach to my work.
‘Authentic’ is a word used to describe me.
I write copy/create content (ie articles, videos etc) for clients and my own websites.
As an NLP Coach, I also love to teach/empower my clients to be the authority their niche… and to help them be an effective sales person for their business.

Please feel free to contact or call 02 5698 5445
fill in the “Free Intro Call” in the Contact area tab at the bottom of the site, if you would like to discuss your site, get us to do your Online Marketing or just help you with a problem!
No idea where to start? Book a Free call today!